760Credit.Biz Helps Improve Your Credit!

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Call 510-877-0760

Don’t wait until you NEED good credit. In as little as 45 days, you could be APPROVED for:

  • Auto Loans
  • Rental Approvals
  • Credit Cards Approvals
  • Mortgage Approvals
  • Better Interest Rates
  • Utilities w/o Deposits


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Why Choose 760Credit.Biz?

Credit Repair Company You Can Truly Trust!

We focus on your goals. We would never take your business if we can’t truly help you. Check out our Real Results page to see for yourself.


Talk to a real person, not a website.

You get a plan tailored to their circumstances and needs. Our consultants are available and accessible to you during business hours. We offer personalized service – We will deal with creditors, credit bureaus, and collection agencies for you.

Plus Instant Updates!

Our state of the art web-based software enables you to keep track of the progress of your file 24/7. In fact, every time a change is made to your account, we email you to let you know.

Empowering Information = Change Your Life!

We send out key information about credit that you need to know. This information will empower you to be able to keep the results we help you get.

Tools To Create a Better Financial Future!

In your personal portal, you will find money management tools to help you create budgets and create better financial habits.

We Dispute Every Issue Every Round!

Unlike most credit repair companies, we address all of the tradelines on all 3 reports that are inaccurate or incomplete in each round. Ask your about this during your FREE CONSULTATION.

We Stop Badgering Collections Companies!

We provide you with legal letters to stop any and all collections calls to your home or business and also stop the collection agencies from contacting you by mail.

A Path To Better Scores Are A Phone Call Away!

We will assist you in raising your scores by disputing inaccurate, incomplete, and erroneous tradelines, help re-establishing your current tradelines, and acquire more credit while continuing to monitor your credit. We have seen clients, just like you, raise their scores close to 100 points in the first 45 days!!

Satisfaction Guaranteed!

It is illegal for a Credit Repair Company to guarantee results. There are too many variables. However, 760Credit.Biz does guarantee your satisfaction. We have a written refund policy protecting you and your hard earned money!

We Are Here For You After Your Services Are Complete!

Once your credit has been re-established, we will work with you to continue to improve and maintain your credit score. On-going support is FREE!

You Can Stop Services Anytime!

Cancel Anytime before your letters have gone out and we will stop our service until you are ready again. You only get charged after your letters have gone out!

A Legal Credit Repair Company

California Civil Code §§ 1789.10 et seq.; 15 U.S.C.A. §1679 et seq. requires that credit repair companies be Bonded and Registered. Caution, a lot of companies are not operating legally and you could be at risk. Make sure you are protected!

Doing Business The RIGHT way!

We adhere to the guidelines as established in the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and the Credit Repair Organizations Act (CROA).

Call +1 916-963-7333

Call for a Free Consultation.

Don't put it off, our helpful agents will answer all of your questions.
Call +1 916-963-7333